Quetta soon to experience technology revolution

Despite increasing number of internet users trend of online shopping in Quetta is still a novelty. Quetta is a city centered in one of the largest province of the country which is abundant in natural resources.

Sill it contributes just 1.5% in the annual economic growth of the country. Main reason is that there are very few industries in the city. Industrial growth in the city is pretty slow, and there are serious hurdles in the way of its smooth growth.

Other option left with the residents of Quetta for economic growth and prosperity is intelligent utilization of technology. Though there are many internet users in the city but few are aware of the true potential held by information technology.

Therefore groupin.pk through mainstreaming the trend of online shopping in Quetta, aims at broadening the horizons of imaginations of the locals. Online shopping in Quetta through groupin.pk’s group discount portal will definitely create awareness among the masses, regarding intelligent use of technology for the socio economic growth of the city.
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